It has been a really good week for me, well it is actually over a week and probably nearly two weeks now since I have been on the new Citalopram tablets.
So how has it been, I hear you ask. Well it’s been good. It really has! I am still taking just the one Citalopram tablet (20mg) and I have phased out my previous tablets being Fluoxetine (3 x 20mg daily).
So it is just me and the Citalopram for the time being.
I didn’t feel any side effects or feel worse by reducing the dosage of the Fluoxetine medication so that in itself is a positive, but also the transition to Citalopram tablets has been seamless. And I feel a lot better already.
I have been funny, I have laughed and I have had fun with my wife being the comical idiot that I am which has been different than the grumpy miserable sod that I have been, and really I have felt like myself, the old self, the original self, the me – ‘LBD’ (Life Before Depression).
So that’s all good .
Benefits I have noticed are:
– I am able to concentrate a little better and longer
– I don’t feel as tired in the daytime
– I feel a little more motivated than usual
– My general outlook is a lot more positive than it has been for a long time
Possible side effects I have noticed:
– Do I feel a little paranoid? What me? – I think so, but at least I have noticed it and I am attacking it back.
I still need to:
– get back to the gym for regular exercise
– try to sleep better at night
– keep pushing forward against the force and pull of depression
– be more positive
– eat more bananas, not for the chimp, but for me as they are good for your brain.
Overall, I have made good progress over the last two weeks. This is not to say that the new tablets have cured the depression, because it hasn’t, it would be wonderful if it could but it is a very good step towards it. That is noted.
My current situation has allowed me to take three steps forward up the ladder to ‘LAD’ (Life After Depression). In addition I have maintained a higher position on said ladder even though I may have taken just one step down, but over all my ‘Net Progress’ is plus two.
The Roller Coaster of Depression’ has been up and down but three things have happened:
1 – The dips, down or slopes to the depths of depression have been of a lessor incline.
2 – I have noticed and been aware of the ‘Triggers’ and have managed to control and slow them down and control that menace of a chimp in my head.
3 – In controlling the downs and having slowed them down, the level of depression reached in higher, i.e. better as it is not as low or deep as it could or has been, but also the recover time and speed back up has been vastly improved. I recover better and more quickly.
All this sounds good, and on a personal level these tablets have made improvements, at least for now!
It is now down to me to do some of the hard work. The Citalopram has given me a peg up and I feel that I may be more suited to them and them to me – it’s a partnership.
Of course, the next episode of the ‘Depression of Doom’ (DOD) could be just around the corner lurking like a naughty troll ready to pounce. But I am more alert and aware of the Triggers and will see how I cope, as I know it will come, that is without doubt!
At least I can measure how long a good episode has lasted and how a bad episode came about and for how long, and ultimately, what I can learn from it. That is the important thing, of learning how to cope and beat depression and control that little placard waving chimp in my head.
Have a medication review with your professional, to see how it is working and how it is doing, it may be that like me that you are stuck in a rut and have accepted the status quo and become complacent with the situation and you just need that fresh peg up to make a refreshed battle to overcome the Depression.
It’s not easy, I know, but without sharing the knowledge, experience and suffering, it is a harder task that it is if we share and talk about our own experiences.
You are not alone my friend.
I have done it! What a feeling, I have achieved something today, this week, this year. I have blogged today.
Have a good day!
The Depressed Accountant
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