About the blog
You may notice that I have chosen to use alternative terminology than that perhaps what you would expect on a blog or social media.
The reason is that I want to move way from a social media standpoint of being ‘liked’ or ‘most’ commented or ‘most’ visited.
Mental Health is a struggle and not to bash social media applications such as Twitter and Facebook, it can be quite demoralising when looking at people having the ‘perfect’ life.
The social feeling of being liked or having a large number of followers is a measurement that contributes to depression and anxiety, (in my opinion and own experience, you may disagreed and I am open to that), by comparing yourself to others which is like comparing Apples and Oranges i.e. It may not be a fair comparison or even a real comparison.
Alternative Terminology
It all still works in exactly the same way but has a more appeasing feel to it. Here you will find:
– ‘Highly Appreciated’ blog pages that people has found useful as opposed to ‘liked’.
– ‘Topics of interest’ rather than being categorised and pigeon-holed.
– ‘Highly Commented’ where engagement on a blog post has brought people together to discuss.
This will generally help me, and may help you, you see for me social media was not an issue when growing up as it didn’t exist, and I am not that old, we have a little gadget in our pockets that is constantly rating us as popular or not which plays literally with our minds.
Thank you for reading.
I have done it! What a feeling, I have achieved something today, this week, this year. I have blogged today.
Have a good day!
The Depressed Accountant