Who is this blog for?

Who is this blog for?

Who is this blog for?

This is probably the first question that pops into your mind when visiting this site for the first time.

Unlike the solution to Depression, the answer to this question is quite simple, it isn’t FOR anyone….it just IS a blog.

What I mean by this is this – it’s not just for accountants or bookkeepers so you don’t need to be a accountant to read.

Nor is it just for someone suffering with depression, so you don’t have to have depression to read the blog.

So, what is it then?

It is a blog about an accountant with depression, (I do have a personality even though i’m an accountant!), I have a family, am on medication, have suffered family breavement and somewhat to be completely honest, have not been a successful business person and failing in some ventures (Something I still try to achieve for the future).

So in short, somewhere along the lines you may be able to relate to me, have the same issues and seeking the same answers, or perhaps are just concerned about a friend or family member and are researching the subject of depression. You could be a doctor reading with a professional interest. You could even be a Troll, perhaps you will find the light my friends too!

This is my very first blog. I have wanted to do this for a long long time, fears, worries, time, procrastination and moods of ‘whats the point anyway,’ or ‘I cant be arsed’ have stopped me, this is the Chimp in my head influencing me.

BUT, I have done it! What a feeling, I have achieved something today, this week, this year. Something I haven’t felt the joy of for a long while. Has the world ended? Has anything bad happened?


Have a good day!

The Depressed Accountant