Boom! There it is. A clap of thunder and the laugh of Vincent Price from the end of the Michael Jackson track – Thriller from the 80’s. (Incidentally, a great track and video for its time). A shout of anger, realisation of failure and submittal followed by the usual ‘Right that’s it’, ‘FFS’, ‘You’ve done…
Hey there! How’s it going?
It has been a really good week for me, well it is actually over a week and probably nearly two weeks now since I have been on the new Citalopram tablets. So how has it been, I hear you ask. Well it’s been good. It really has! I am still taking just the one Citalopram…
Am I Bipolar?
To be bipolar or not to be bipolar, that is the question. So a trip to the doctors on Thursday last week saw me exploring the possibility or chance that I may be a suffer or suffering with or from Bipolar. I always find it immensely lifting when seeing the doctor, Wellbeing Coach or Counsellor,…
Friday Feeling – blog
So this week has been mostly a down mood, it started last Saturday evening for some unknown reason and it slid gradually at first as my early warning system had identified a number of ‘triggers’ but from Monday it declined as a much faster pace and gaining that pace at hyper-speed. Depression never gets ‘lost’…
Fri 19th December 2020
Friday 19th December 2020 So as the festive season approaches and the New Year waits in the wings my mood slowly begins the decline into a festive styled depression and anxiety state. As to why this is I am not sure but for as long as I can remember it does have a recurring impact…
Below Sea Level
The Depths of Depression Trying to explain depression is difficult, some people think it’s a case of just being sad or down, which in itself would indicate a temporary state of emotion. It also has been put to me by my brother that other events of happiness should immediately eradicate and dissolve the depression completely…
Lost or Found – Half Full or Half Empty?
A look on the positive side I don’t think it is possible to have just one favorite Tommy Cooper joke, as they are all brilliant and each one raises a smile no matter the amount of times I have heard them before. I fondly remember sitting snugged in with my Dad on the single sofa Chair…
Motivation Having had a conversation today with an individual I came to realise something I had never questioned before, what’s my motivation? I suppose having had a declining spiral of wellbeing over the last few years, I have either forgotten what my motivation was or indeed I had never actually decided what it was, as I…
We need to talk about the blog
About the blog You may notice that I have chosen to use alternative terminology than that perhaps what you would expect on a blog or social media. The reason is that I want to move way from a social media standpoint of being ‘liked’ or ‘most’ commented or ‘most’ visited. Mental Health is a struggle…
Who is this blog for?
Who is this blog for? This is probably the first question that pops into your mind when visiting this site for the first time. Unlike the solution to Depression, the answer to this question is quite simple, it isn’t FOR anyone….it just IS a blog. What I mean by this is this – it’s not…